Forbidden Knowledge: Alien Artifacts (2022)
Forbidden Knowledge: Alien Artifacts (2022)
片长: 72分钟
豆瓣评分: IMDB评分:
Shocking new evidence of highly advanced civilizations mounts as previously unexplored regions of the earth reveal mind boggling artifacts that defy all convention and utterly mystify today's academic and scientific factions. It's clear there are massive gaps between our current understanding of the cosmos and the origins of humanity and that of ancient civilizations that existed before recorded history. Experience unprecedented relics and artifacts that force us to re-evaluate the mainstream dogma of who we are and where we came from.
译文(2): 令人震惊的高度先进文明的新证据越来越多,以前未被探索过的地球区域显示出令人难以置信的人工制品,这些人工制品违背了所有的惯例,完全迷惑了当今的学术和科学派别。很明显,我们目前对宇宙和人类起源以及有史以来存在的古代文明的理解之间存在着巨大的差距。体验前所未有的遗迹和文物,迫使我们重新评估我们是谁和我们来自哪里的主流教条。
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