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金枪铁马龙虎斗 The Good Guys and the Bad Guys (1969)

金枪铁马龙虎斗 The Good Guys and the Bad Guys (1969)
金枪铁马龙虎斗 The Good Guys and the Bad Guys (1969)
导演:伯特·肯尼迪 Burt Kennedy
主演:凯瑟琳·弗里曼 Kathleen Freeman/尼克·丹尼斯 Nick Dennis/David Cargo David Cargo/Dick Peabody Dick Peabody/加雷特·刘易斯 Garrett Lewis/约翰·戴维斯·钱德勒 John Davis Chandler/多萝西·亚当斯 Dorothy Adams/蒂娜·露易丝 Tina Louise/罗伯特·米彻姆 Robert Mitchum/克里斯托弗·米彻姆 Christopher Mitchum/大卫·卡拉丁 David Carradine/玛丽·温莎 Marie Windsor/马丁·鲍尔萨姆 Martin Balsam/巴迪·哈克特 Buddy Hackett/乔治·肯尼迪 George Kennedy/约翰·卡拉丁 John Carradine/达格拉斯·福雷 Douglas Fowley/洛伊丝·内特尔顿 Lois Nettleton/斯坦·乔利 Stan Jolley/罗纳德·M·科恩 Ronald M. Cohen/丹尼斯·施赖克 Dennis Shryack/Robert Goldstein Robert Goldstein/威廉·拉瓦 William Lava/哈利·斯特拉德 Harry Stradling Jr./奥索·拉弗林 Otho Lovering/拉尔夫·S·赫斯特 Ralph S. Hurst/斯坦·乔利 Stan Jolley/Yvonne Wood Yvonne Wood/派尔可·韦斯特莫 Perc Westmore/Jean Burt Reilly Jean Burt Reilly/Gordon Bau Gordon Bau/Richard C. Bennett Richard C. Bennett
片长: 91 分钟
豆瓣评分: IMDB评分:6.1
Marshal Flagg, an aging lawman about to be retired, hears that his old nemesis, the outlaw McKaye, is back in the area and planning a robbery. Riding out to hunt down McKaye, Flagg is captured by McKaye's gang and finds out that McKaye is no longer the leader of the gang, but is considered just an aging relic by the new leader, a youngster named Waco. Waco orders Mackaye to shoot Flagg, and when Mackaye refuses Waco abandons both of them. Flagg then takes Mackaye back to town only to find out that he has been "retired", and when he sees how clueless and incompetent the new marshal and the city fathers are, he persuades Mackaye that it is up to the two of them to stop Waco and his gang from ravaging the town
译文(2): 法警弗拉格,一个即将退休的老执法官,听说他的老对手,不法之徒麦凯,回到这个地区,并计划抢劫。弗拉格骑马出去追捕麦凯,被麦凯的帮派抓获,发现麦凯不再是帮派的头目,而是被新的领袖——一个名叫韦科的年轻人——视为一个年老的遗物。韦科命令麦凯射杀弗拉格,当麦凯拒绝韦科后,他们两个都被抛弃了。然后弗拉格带着麦凯回到镇上,却发现他已经“退休”了。当他看到这位新元帅和镇长是多么的无能和无能时,他说服麦凯,阻止韦科和他的帮派蹂躏这座城市取决于他们两人



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