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篮球兄弟 第三季 One Tree Hill Season 3 (2005)

篮球兄弟 第三季 One Tree Hill Season 3 (2005)
篮球兄弟 第三季 One Tree Hill Season 3 (2005)
又名:青山镇 第三季,独木岭 第三季
导演:托马斯·J.怀特 Thomas J. Wright/玛丽塔·格拉比亚克 Marita Grabiak
主演:查德·迈克尔·墨瑞 Chad Michael Murray/海莉·伯顿 Hilarie Burton


豆瓣评分: 8.7 IMDB评分:8.6
Besides a love for hoops, it would seem that Lucas and Nathan are two young men with little in common - except for the dark secret that they share the same father. Arrogant and assured, Nathan is the star of the high school basketball team and hails from the wealthiest family in town. Quiet, brooding and driven, Lucas is a loner, the only child of a single working mom. He's always kept his distance from Nathan. But their lives collide when a twist of fate puts Lucas on Nathan's team. The rumor that's haunted the boys since childhood now becomes more than just whispers as the half-brothers compete not only for control of the court, but also for the heart of Nathan's girlfriend. So unfolds a deep and bitter conflict that's been years in the making; one that will play itself out in their homes, their hearts and at school as they struggle to come to terms with who they really are - and the fact that they may have more in common than they ever imagined
译文(2): 除了对篮球的热爱,看起来卢卡斯和内森是两个没有什么共同点的年轻人——除了他们有一个共同的父亲这个黑暗的秘密。内森傲慢而自信,他是高中篮球队的明星,来自城里最富有的家庭。卢卡斯安静、沉思、努力,是一个孤独的人,是一个单身母亲的独子。他总是和 Nathan 保持距离。但是当命运让卢卡斯加入内森的队伍时他们的生活发生了冲突。从孩提时代就一直萦绕在男孩们心头的谣言现在已经不仅仅是传言了因为这对同父异母的兄弟不仅在争夺法庭的控制权还在争夺内森女友的心。因此,一场酝酿多年的深刻而痛苦的冲突就此展开; 这场冲突将在他们的家庭、他们的心灵和学校中上演,因为他们正在努力接受自己的真实身份——以及他们可能有比他们想象中更多的共同点这一事实



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